
Henry Broquet

Research that finally led to the Broquet Fuel Catalyst started in 1941. At that time, Henry Broquet, an RAF engine specialist was posted to Northern Russia as part of 151 Wing. They were responsible for the operation and maintenance of the Hurricane fighers that were sent with them by Arctic convoy. In order to operate at maximum performance, the Hurricane’s engine required higher octane fuel than was available at the time in Russia. Therefore, a specialist team was quickly assembled to investigate and resolve the fuel problem.

Today, Broquet stands as the respected name in the field of catalytic combustion efficiency – and in addition to the guaranteed performance of the product – it is the Broquet pedigree that sets it apart.

The Product

Broquet is a true catalyst in pellet form, which, when introduced into the fuel tank or fuel line of any engine using petrol, diesel, or oil, reacts with that fuel to improve the combustion efficiency of the engine. In addition, Broquet also has a cleaning effect within the combustion zones of the engine, which gradually removes, and then inhibits, the build-up of carbon deposits, waxes and gums that would otherwise form. The combination of these two important actions results in a substantial saving in fuel, less maintenance, and a significant reduction in exhaust emissions. Although leaded petrol is being gradually phased out, there are still many countries where it is still available. Therefore, another major advantage of using the catalyst is that Broquet also allows the safe and efficient use of unleaded petrol in any leaded petrol engine, with little to no adjustment. The Broquet fuel catalyst is manufactured in the United Kingdom.

The Pedigree

From its early beginnings in 1941, Henry’s fuel catalyst has undergone nearly sixty years of development, testing and practical use. During this time, it has constantly proved to be a very sumpe and cost effective answer to the universal problems of how to reduce fuel consumption, maintenance costs and engine exhaust emissions. Independent testing by such authorities as Warren Spring Laboratory (Agency for the DTI), Inspectorate Casella Environmental Ltd and Consulting Engineer R.E. Smith BSc. (Hons) C.Eng., MIMech.E have proven the Broquet claims in the laboratory. However, it is its long-term success under everyday driving conditions by health authorities, ambulance services, local government, road haulage companies, fishing fleets and private motorists that are the real proof of, and the greatest testimony to, the efficacy of the Broquet fuel catalyst.


Waarom broquet

Broquet is een katalysator die u vele voordelen oplevert. Het belangrijkste resultaat is een aanzienlijke vermindering van uitlaatemissies en brandstofverbruik.